- Prepared from a unique variety of tender mango which possesses aroma of cumin and is highly medicinal. This variety of tender mango is not available in abundance and we source it from deep forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka where it is cultivated organically.
- Homemade with our own cultivated spices that enhances it's anti-inflammatory properties. Highly recommended to people suffering from asthmatic conditions.
- We follow vaastu & shastra based traditional approach to prepare pickles.
- Our product is free from any additives, preservatives, artificial colors or artificial flavors.
- Our pickles have a shelf life of approximately 1 year and should not be refrigerated, they have to be kept outside in a cool and dry place at room temperature.
- 100 gm quantity is sufficient for 4 to 5 meals.
- We wash, dry and debacterize the jar before filling in the product. Our glass jar(s) are FSSC 22000 certified.